1995 Royal Variety Performance

1995 Royal Variety Performance screenshot

Cannon and Ball appeared in a sketch at the end of the 1995 Royal Variety Performance, which took place at the Dominion Theatre, London on 20th November 1995.

The sketch featured Des O’Connor being interrupted by different personalities. Alongside Cannon and Ball were Anthea Turner, Frank Bruno, Richard Branson, Frank Carson and Julie Goodyear

1995 Royal Variety Performance screenshot 1995 Royal Variety Performance screenshot 1995 Royal Variety Performance screenshot

Tommy: I say, I say, I say. Who walks like this?

Des: Like what?

Tommy: Like this.

Des: I don’t know, who does walk like that?

Tommy: I do.

Bobby: I say, I say, I say. Who walks like this?

Des: I don’t know, who walks like that?

Bobby: He does.

1995 Royal Variety Performance screenshot

Bobby: I say, I say… I say, I say… I say, I say… I say, I say

Des: What is it, Bobby?

Bobby: Read that

1995 Royal Variety Performance screenshot 1995 Royal Variety Performance screenshot