Own TV Shows

Cannon and Ball have starred a number of TV shows of their own, plus many guest appearances in others.

Show picture

The Cannon and Ball Show

Cannon and Balls original and best-known TV show, featuring stand-up comedy, pre-recorded sketches and numerous special guests. Ran between 1979 and 1988.

Cannon and Balls Casino

A game show. Three couples competed against each other in a general knowledge quiz themed around a casino. Rounds included the Fruit Machine, where whichever symbols lined up indicated what the prize was going be. In between the rounds Cannon and Ball did some stand-up comedy, or a special guest performed. Shown 1990.

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Playhouse title

Cannon and Ball’s Playhouse

Two shows intended as pilot programmes for a Cannon and Ball sitcom. It was intended to have six episodes, but ITV decided on Plaza Patrol before all six had been made. See the Playhouse page for more details.

Plaza Patrol

A sit-com, with Cannon and Ball playing shopping plaza security guards Bernard Cooney (Tommy) and Trevor Purvis (Bobby). Six episodes were made, shown Summer 1991. See the Plaza Patrol page for more details.

Plaza title
Rock on Tommy: The Bobby Ball Story TV title

Rock on Tommy: The Bobby Ball Story

Special programme about the life of Bobby Ball, shown in November 2020 shortly after his death.