Bob Hope British Classic

Bob Hope British Classic Golf picture

Tommy took part in the Bob Hope British Classic Pro-Am Golf Tournament in 1982. 

The tournament took place at Moor Park Golf Club, Rickmansworth, from 23rd – 26th September. It was won by Gordon Brand Junior. 

Bob Hope British Classic Golf picture

Highlights from the tournament were shown on TV, including a short interview with Tommy. 

Bob Hope British Classic Golf picture

John: You’re playing very well.

Tommy: I am actually, Yeah. And my names up on the leaderboard would you believe.

John: Is that right? There’s no ball following you.

Tommy: There’s no Ball. It’s a good job he’s not here because if he were twanging them braces, he’d be putting me off all over the place. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate.

John: Have you been practising hard for this event.

Tommy: Well, I’ve got myself a little bit psyched up for it, yes. While I’ve been in Bournemouth, I’ve been down in Bournemouth with the pro down there, John Sharkey and we’ve been getting at it a bit, yeah.

John: Rather than Saddleworth.

Tommy: Rather than Saddleworth and well, I wanna get home now. I’ve been down in Bournemouth 17 weeks so I’m looking forward to getting home, you know.

John: Now you’re playing with Brian Barnes, who seems equally inspired today.

Tommy: Yes, oh aye, he’s playing well. He’s playing well. Yeah. Terrific.

Bob Hope British Classic Golf picture

John: What’s he like to play with? Because we all know he’s a bit of a character

Tommy: Oh he’s smashing, tells a joke and makes it easy for you, you know ,which is good for us because in a daft way we’re out of our environment in this, although there’s a crowd around it’s not the same as going on stage and entertaining because we’re out of our environment. But like Brian’s great, he’s sort of putting his hand on your shoulder to take it easy and it’s lovely to play with somebody like that. I find that most of the pros are good lads to play with.

John: And you’ve got some material from him as well

Tommy: And a bit of material all about the fishing jokes and what have you. I’ll get a bit more before I go and perhaps we’ve got a new act then.

John: Alright, Tommy, well you’d better go and play your second shot

Tommy: Thanks very much. Cheers

Bob Hope British Classic Golf picture