I Don’t Need To Be Hip single

I Don't Need To Be Hip single picture

Single released by Tommy on streaming platforms in September 2023. 

Written and produced by Richard Scott.

I Don’t Need To Be Hip

I don’t need to be hip
Wearing clothes that don’t fit
Don’t need hot, or on trend, or celebrity friend
I don’t need to be it

No time wasted on cool
Easy acting the fool
Cruising way off the pace, with a smile on my face
Happy breaking those rules

I know no lunch is free
Been there, right cup of tea?
No desire to go borrow
I prefer mine on barlow?

I don’t need to be hip
Just me sailing my ship
Don’t need selfies and likes, my name in lights
I don’t need to be hip

And as for all this tik-tok
Thought that came from a lock
All these strangers or friends, reality bends
Sends my brain into shock

The only tweets that I got
Came from birds of a flock
So I could give from the past, it’s all been a blast
I won’t be changing a lot

I don’t seek your approval
Your comments and views
Won’t be liking your breakfast
Or honey-monging your shoes

I don’t need to be hip 
I don’t need to be it
I expect my objections over-ruled
‘Cause it’s all too school for cool

I don’t need to be
I don’t need to be hip
Don’t need to be hip
No desire to be it
No, no need to be hip