Jack and the Beanstalk, at the Leeds Grand Theatre. Cannon and Ball starred as The Brokers Men. With Harry Worth and Diana Darvey.
Opening 22nd December 1976. Nightly 7pm, matinees 2:30pm daily until 11th January, then Tuesday and Saturday until 5th February.
Opening 22nd December 1976. Nightly 7pm, matinees 2:30pm daily until 11th January, then Tuesday and Saturday until 5th February.
Characters in Order of Appearance
King Hearty: Tom De-Ville
Jack Durden: Diana Darvey
Dame Durden: Joe Black
Spite, the Devil’s Henchman: Hugo Myatt
Princess Melonie: Valery Ann
The Brokers’ Men: Cannon & Ball
Simple Simon: HARRY WORTH
Daisy the Cow: Tina Werts & David Ross
The Good Fairy: Patricia Baker
Giant Blunderbore: Douglas Quarterman
Speciality Rupert Bear Operators: Christine Glanville, Tina Werts
and David Ross
Villagers & Courtiers:
The Connie Hall Dancers: Nicky Lewis, Andie Lowie, Susan Starbrook,
Tina Walker, Honey Wheeler, Catherine Carroll, Janet Guppy,
Vivienne Law, Linda Lennox, Jackie Lesley
The Cynthia Carr Juveniles: Mon., Tues., Wed.: Elizabeth Ogram,
Susan Hollingworth, Kathryn Weetman, Suzanne Shorter,
Samantha Shaw, Amanda Hillyard, Hilary Burke, Lynda Webb,
Yvonne Parker, Deborah Johnston
Thurs., Fri., Sat.: Julie Baker, Josephine Carroll, Lynn Gunby,
Lesley Moss, Sharon Tindale, Jacqueline Clift, Kathryn Blackburn,
Allison Haley, Doreen Meadowcroft, Catherine Watson
Choreography: Connie Hall
Synopsis of Scenes
Overture The Bill Unsworth Orchestra
Scene 1 The Village of Much Dawdling
Scene 2 Dame Durden’s Cowshed
Scene 3 On the Way to Market
Scene 4 A Room in the Palace
Scene 5 Dame Durden’s Kitchen
Scene 6 (a) The Land of Rupert Bear
(b) Half way up the Beanstalk
(c) The Land of Flowers
(d) The Land of Clouds
(e) At the top of the Beanstalk
INTERVAL 15 minutes
Scene 7 The Palace Ballroom
Scene 8 Near Blunderwitz
Scene 9 The Giant’s Lair
Scene 10 A Cell in the Giant’s Castle
Scene 11 The Courtyard of the Giant’s Castle
Scene 12 The Hall of the Giant’s Castle
Scene 13 In Davy Jones’ Locker at the Bottom of the Sea
Scene 14 A Room in the Royal Palace
Scene 15 Dame Durden’s Kitchen
Scene 16 Simple Simon’s Party
Scene 17 The Wedding Reception in the Palace Grounds
Orchestral arrangements and musical direction: Bill Unsworth
Organist & Piano: Nigel Hogg
Trumpets: Peter Ferris, Sid Pollitt
Trombone: Fred Hutchinson
Saxophone: Dave Hardy
Clarinet: Eddie Bown
Bass Guitar: Barry Rickaby
Percussion Phil Langton.
(For Kennedy Street Enterprises Ltd.)
Company & Stage Manager: John Levene
Wardrobe Mistress: Norma Bryan
(For Howard & Wyndham Ltd.
Production Manager: Reg Allen

Harry was born in the village of Tankersley near Barnsley, and like most of the other village boys he became a miner when he left school at the age of fourteen. For a hobby he began amateur entertaining and using a cheap doll, taught himself ventriloquism. After six years in the RAF, during which he appeared in a Gang Show in India, Harry Worth made his entry into show business via a beach concert party at Southport. In 1947 he married a pantomime principal girl, Kay Flynn, who persuaded him to write for an audition at the Windmill Theatre. Impressario Vivan Van Damm never laughed once throughout his act but, much to Harry’s surprise, he booked him, and then things really began snow-balling. He starred at all the leading theatres throughout the country, including the London Palladium, appeared in Royal Variety Performances and was voted Personality of the Year by the Variety Club of Great Britain. Consistently successful radio and television shows have made Harry Worth a household name. The 100th performance in his Here’s Harry series brought him a special award from BBC-TV, a unique tribute for it was the first time that a series featuring a comedian had reached a century of shows. For Thames Television It’s Harry Worth, Thirty Minutes Worth and two specials entitled My Name is Harry Worth, have confirmed his nationwide popularity and appeal. Surprisingly, Norman, Is That You? was Harry Worth’s acting debut in the West End, although he recently achieved unanimous acclaim for his portrayal of Elwood P Dowd in a nationwide tour of the comedy Harvey and for his performance in the BBC-TV serialisation of Scoop.
Although an established star in Spain up to 1975 Diana Darvey was unkown here in her native England.
Whilst on Holiday in Spain Benny Hill saw Diana starring in “Theatre Revue” and asked her to contact him if she ever decided to return to this country. From her first appearance on TV with Benny Hill, Diana took the viewing public by storm with her sensational dresses, which she designs herself There hasn’t been so much interest about an artiste’s wardrobe since Shirley Bassey first arrived on the scene.
Diana has appeared in the ever popular “Carry on” film series in “Carry on Behind” and on TV with Bob Monkhouse in “Quick on the Draw” series. She played Principal Boy to Dana’s “Sleeping Beauty” in Pantomime at the Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton in 1975, and in November this year appeared in Thames Television’s new and highly successful series “Wednesday at Eight.” Unfortunately Diana was not able to see the show herself as, at that time, she was starring at the luxurious Inter-Continental Hotel in Dubai – with the Arabs sending so much of their oil to this Country, it was only fair we should let them see one of our most valuable commodities in the living flesh.
It is Diana’s first appearance in Pantomime here at the Grand, where we are sure, not only will she prove a popular hero as “Jack” with younger members of the audience, but will please many a Father’s eye with her good looks and shapely legs!
Diana is an animal lover – and has a delightful poodle “Winnie the Pooh” – “Pooh” for short, who normally travels with her, but for those overseas trips she has to part with “Pooh”, who then stays with Diana’s parents in Bristol.
Diana’s favourite charity is the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade. She is always delighted to help with their fund raising activities whenever her heavy schedule permits we are sorry gentlemen Diana is not available to nurse you back from ill-health!
The ability to laugh at the most Holy of our Sacred Cows is a well publicised trait of the British Race, and two Lancashire lads quick to realize the comedy potential in our much vaunted championship of the under dog are Messrs. CANNON & BALL, the brightest and most original comedy duo since Morecambe and Wise.
Mr Cannon is top dog, Mr Ball is quite definitely under-dog and this situation forms the basis of the quick fire cross talk act which has brought them success in virtually every field of the entertainment industry
The act flows with all the polish of the thoroughly professional job of work that it is and their considerable respect for the other’s ability is quite obvious, yet it is doubtful if so close a blend of talent would be possible without an equally personal friendship. So close are they, that on occasion, only Mr Ball’s quick thinking has saved Mr Cannon from actual physical violence. Cries of ‘Shame!’ usually signify where comedy is involved, to Cannon and Ball they indicate that the right blend of pathos and humour is as viable as commodity as when the great Chaplain first offered it.
JOE BLACK born in Yeadon and now living up the road in Horsforth is no stranger to the Grand Theatre, this will be his third pantomime at his favourite theatre. He has for years now been featured in pantomime in all the major theatres.
Although pantomime is Joe’s first love, he has during the last few years appeared on several television programmes, perhaps you saw him in Jack Rosenthal’s Red Letter Day Play on Granada Television, when he played Joe McGill in “Ready When You Are Mr McGill” and, which now has been chosen as ITV’s drama entry in the 1977 Monte Carlo International Television Festival.
RUPERT and his Puppet Pals
RUPERT Britain’s best loved little bear has been with us for over fifty five years. He was originally created by MARY TOURTEL,the wife of a Daily Express editor in 1920, and has appeared in the DAILY EXPRESS ever since.
In October 1970 RUPERT added a new dimension to his career – he became a television star in his own series, THE ADVENTURES OF RUPERT BEAR. It proved so popular that it became one of Britain’s biggest dollar-earning TV exports, and was sold to TV networks throughout the world.
The puppet company known as STAGE THREE worked on the TV series, first making, and then operating the puppets during filming. When the second series was completed in May 1971 – it was suggested to STAGE THREE that they should present RUPERT on stage, and permission to do this was then obtained from the DAILY EXPRESS.
STAGE THREE set to work immediately to produce their puppet version of RUPERT – using the same actress JUDY BENNETT who does the marvellous voices for all the RUPERT characters in the television series. A new set of puppets was made (twice the size of those used in the TV series) and it wasn’t long before RUPERT OF THE DAILY EXPRESS AND HIS PUPPET PALS were all set to start their new career on the stage.
CHRISTINE GLANVILLE, TINA WERTS & DAVID ROSS teamed together in 1970. Their first venture together was to work on “RUPERT” as a puppet presentation for the live theatre. Other TV series the trio have worked on include THUNDERBIRDS, CAPTAIN SCARLET JOE 90, SECRET SERVICE and THE ADVENTURES OF RUPERT BEAR.
Despite their heavy schedule of work STAGE THREE have managed to find the time to write a new children’s puppet show for television and stage presentation. It is hoped that production will commence early in 1977
Patricia Baker as “The Fairy”
Valery Anne as “Princess Melonie”
Tom De Ville as “The King”
Hugo Myatt as “Spite”
Douglas Quarterman as Giant