Look-In Annual 1982

Look-in cover

Pleased to meet you

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The talented comedy duo have always been a team, ever since working together in Lancashire as welders in an engineering firm.
They decided, however, that their future was on the stage and spent ten years developing their act appearing in social clubs and cabaret. Their big break in this country came after they had achieved international success touring Australia and South Africa in the early 70s – they were spotted by a producer from London Weekend Television and given a TV series of their own in 1979. You all know the story from there as they went on to become one of the top comedy acts in the business.
The characters they portray on stage mirror their personalities off stage, too. Tommy, whose real name is Tommy Derbyshire, is the snappily dressed, more serious and practical member of the partnership and looks after all the business details. He lives in Greenfield near Manchester.
Bobby, the more outrageous of the two on stage, is a remarkably relaxed type of person who takes his work seriously. He likes to stay in shape with regular training sessions in the gym and playing golf. He lives at Shaw just outside Manchester.


Cartoon Strip

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