Look-In Magazine, 25th December 1982

Look-in cover



Real Name: Tommy Derbyshire
Birthdate: 27 June 1938
Birthplace: Oldham
Birthsign: Cancer
Height: 1.75m (5ft 9in)
Weight: 70kg (154 lb)
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Brown
Family Details: Wife Margaret, daughters Janette and Julie
Hobbies: Golf, football, cricket, most other sports
Pets: Dog
Favourite Groups: Abba, 10cc
Favourite Food: Chicken, eggs and bacon
Car: Merceded sport
Previous Jobs: Welder
First Record Bought: Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley
Favourite Record: Miss You Nights by Cliff Richard
Favourite TV Shows: Films and sport
Childhood Hero: Laurel and Hardy
Likes: Holidays
Dislikes: Fighting at football matches