The Cannon and Ball Show – Series 7

In a change from the previous six series, this series of the Cannon and Ball show was staged in a sitcom style with the duo sharing a Park Lane flat. Each show opened and closed with a very short stand-up segment, around the main body of sitcom.

Six 30 minute epiosdes.
Writer: Bryan Blackburn, Geoff Atkinson, David McKeller
Director/Producer: Marcus Plantin


Episode 1

Aired 26th April 1986. The duo move into their new flat and play with the gadgets and gizmo’s they find. After a gym injury they can’t make an awards ceremony.


Episode 2

Aired 3rd May 1986. It’s a dull Sunday and Bobby is bored. After attempting to make a model aeroplane he glues himself to the phone. Part way through the day the winners of a ‘happiest couple’ competition turn up for their prize, spending the day with the pair.


Episode 3

Aired 10th May 1986. Bobby is hungover after spending the previous night at a music industry awards ceremony. His friend Ricky persuades Bobby that he could make it as a solo singer, so he tries to sneak away from Tommy to make his own record.

Episode 4

Aired 17th May 1986. Bobby loses his temper watching the football on TV, so Tommy bets him that he can’t keep calm for a full day. Tommy spends the day trying to wind Bobby up, with a burnt breakfast, burnt clothes, and finally a visit to a terrible Japanese restaurant.


Episode 5

Aired 24th May 1986. Bobby is getting on Tommys nerves around the flat – hogging the bathroom, not clearing up, and putting Tommys cup final ticket in the washing machine. Eventually Bobby storms out to stay in a hotel room by himself. Both try to persuade the other they are having fun, before Bobby eventually returns to meet the new flatmate, Lulu.


Episode 6

Aired 31st May 1986. Tommy gets a cold after going swimming. Bobby mishears the doctors diagnosis and thinks Tommy is going to die.



DVD release

DVD cover
The full series was released on DVD in May 2013